Daily Carpet Care
Daily Carpet Care
Keeping your office’s carpet clean and presentable is usually quite easy. Most offices line their floor with a commercial or industrial grade carpet. This type of carpet is built a bit stronger than the more comfortable grade carpet you would find in a home or apartment. Commercial grade carpet is designed to allow shoes to walk over it without an immediate risk of wear and tear or staining. And for the most part, stains come out of commercial carpet rather easily. Regardless, a regular cleaning for your work area is recommended to keep your company’s office looking professional and clean. But because of all the reasons above, we generally charge less money for these cleanings. We find it’s fair since the commercial grade carpet cleans rather easily and commercial/office jobs are often larger than the typical one bedroom apartment.
We are available seven days a week, so we can easily clean your office’s carpet on the weekends when nobody’s around to walk on it when it’s clean or we can come after everybody’s left at the end of the day.